Grades VI to VIII

HomeGrades VI to VIII

Grades VI to VIII

The upper primary level‟s curriculum builds on the concepts and skills learnt in the primary level. It ensures progression and continuity across various stages of learning in the school, and incorporates continuous evaluation and review of the children‟s performance.  

The main aims of the curriculum are developing skills related to writing, reading, reflecting, critical thinking, public speaking among students and a desire to acquire knowledge. 

Art and craft are integrated into the mainstream curriculum to offer different dimensions to the curriculum.  

Physical education is offered in a more formal manner and sports skills are fine-tuned.  

Projects are planned to integrate knowledge and skills acquired by students in various subjects, and serve as a concrete step towards developing inter-disciplinary approaches in later years.  

Field trips and excursions aid in developing social skills and in raising awareness about the world. Projects, presentations and group activities are more formal and research-based. 

Inter-house cultural and sports competitions encourage healthy competition and team spirit. Students learn to contribute to class assemblies, concerts and drama productions, and take up roles of responsibility. 

Grades VI to VIII

  1. English
  2. II Language - Tamil
  3. Mathematics
  4. Physics
  5. Chemistry
  6. Biology
  7. History & Civics
  8. Geography
  9. III Language - Hindi/Tamil
  10. Computer Studies