Excellence in Sports

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Excellence in Sports

Students have to participate in school sports to increase confidence, mental alertness, and self-esteem. Sports are important in schools because it helps to teach various skills to students like leadership, patience, team efforts, and social skills. At Comorin International School, we promote and encourage a number of sports activities. We believe firmly in the philosophy of a mind in a healthy body. We present a plethora of unlimited opportunities for your child to become an achiever through a holistic method of education.

Not just academics but equal importance is given to physical development of the child and hence we allot two periods a week (mandatory) for physical education.Annual sports programs are drawn up in conjunction with other schools to ensure that seasons for the respective sports coincide.

This will incorporate a calendar of dates for inter-house and inter-school competitions in each of the various sports. Sports & games at CIS include:

Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Hockey, Cricket, Chess.