


Preschool comprises the Pre-Kindergarten, Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten. The curriculum followed in these levels is play-based and child centred which recognizes the students’ multiple intelligences and encourages creative thinking. Every class in the preschool division has been equipped with a smart board for learning to be more interactive and fun filled. The curriculum involves learning through observation, experiential learning through first-hand experiences, thus developing sensory perceptions to trigger both the creative and intellectual faculties of the child. Languages and literacy development are facilitated with children listening and responding to rhymes and stories as they have ample opportunities to interact with teachers. Rhymes are a socially engaging, playful and a developmentally appropriate way for young children to hear, identify and experiment with the sounds of language.


1. Basic Numeracy

2. Basic Literacy

3. EVS

Junior KG, Senior KG

1. English

2. Mathematics

3. EVS

4. Hindi

5. Tamil


The primary level curriculum offers an exciting and creative learning environment with an interdisciplinary appreciation of languages, mathematics, science and social studies as individual and integrated subjects. We recognise the twenty-first century demands of high standards of linguistic ability and we help our students acquire the linguistic competence required in various life situations. The wide range of curricular and co-curricular opportunities offered, helps instil confidence and discipline in children, as it reflects in their ability to express themselves, in addition to developing pragmatic skills. These activities encourage and equip students to participate in inter-house academic, cultural and sports events. Besides academic activities, students also engage and participate in assemblies, concerts, cultural events and drama productions, which help shape their confidence and help them make fulfilling life choices and authentic contributions.

Grades I & II

  1. English
  2. Tamil
  3. Hindi
  4. Mathematics
  5. EVS
  6. Computer Studies

Grades III to V

  1. English
  2. Tamil
  3. Hindi
  4. Mathematics
  5. Science
  6. Social Studies
  7. Computer Studies

Upper Primary

The upper primary level ensures progression and continuity across various stages of learning in our school, and incorporates continuous evaluation and review of the children's performance. The main aims of the curriculum are developing skills related to writing, reading, reflecting, critical thinking, public speaking and a desire to acquire knowledge.

Art and craft are integrated into the mainstream curriculum to offer different dimensions to the curriculum. Physical education is offered in a more formal manner and sports skills are fine-tuned.  Projects are planned to integrate knowledge and skills acquired by students in various subjects, and serve as a concrete step towards developing interdisciplinary approaches in later years. Field trips and excursions aid in developing social skills and in raising awareness about the world. Inter-house cultural and sports competitions encourage healthy competition and team spirit. Students learn to contribute to class assemblies, concerts and drama productions, and take up roles of responsibility.

Grades VI to VIII

  1. English
  2. II Language - Tamil
  3. Mathematics
  4. Physics
  5. Chemistry
  6. Biology
  7. History & Civics
  8. Geography
  9. III Language - Hindi/Tamil
  10. Computer Studies

ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education) Grades IX & X

The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education ensures a general education without any diversification of studies as all candidates are required to take six subjects and Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW). Group I subjects are compulsory, and students must choose to select one second language from group II  as well as one from group III. All students in grades X and XII, regardless of the subjects chosen, the students must fulfil the Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) grade to obtain a pass certificate. The nature of this curriculum may involve field trips and community service, which are organised by the school.

Group I - (Compulsory)

English, Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), History & Civics, Geography

Group II (any One)

Second Language (Tamil / Hindi / French)

Group III (any One)

Computer Applications / Physical Education

ISC (Indian School Certificate) Grades XI & XII

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi conducts the ISC examinations at the close of grade XII. Group I subjects are compulsory, and students must choose to select any two subjects from group II.

Group I - (Compulsory)

English, Physics, Chemistry

Group II (any two)

Mathematics, Computer Science, Biology, Physical Education